In a world where technology screens a resume before human, it is imperative that the resume should not only be made for human consumption but also for a machine's comprehension. dResume helps create structured digital resume that can be easily shared and read by stakeholders & machines involved in Recruitment. It is built on Fluid Resume opensource schema developed and promoted by dResume group.
dResume platform further offers people a complete career management suite that can be accessed from anywhere, on any device, at any time.
We believe that an organisation founded on strong tenets and values will create the most happy
and sustainable ecosystem. Ours are
Inclusive growth for all
Transparency in all deals
Ethical business practices
Respect for all
Rewarding effort, performance & efficiency
These are important to us. While engaging with us, we request that you follow these too.
Not only will dResume help millions get better opportunities Globally, it will also create history in many fronts. It most probably...
Will be the company with World's largest shareholder base even before IPO
Will be the largest digital Resume repository in the World
Will become the backbone of Recruitment ecosystem
Join us. Together, let's create history!